
Showing posts from May, 2016

The “Development” Factor (1)

The magic of Morocco                 I remember my last week in Belgium, just a couple of years ago, I was sitting on a taxi, crossing through one the unmistakable traffic jams of the European capital lost on my thoughts when the Taxi driver suddenly broke the silence by asking me if I was living in Belgium or just visiting. I  just answered him I was living there but not for long, not interested on telling the whole story about the reason why I was leaving.  Then, I was just shocked by his next words: “I’m happy you are not staying here for long, in Europe there is no future” . I just started wondering why this man, someone that had apparently been hosted in Europe and managed to have a decent way of earning his life, was so negative.

Marruecos: ¿Un actor estratégico en África?

Tranvía de Casablanca Artículo publicado en United Explanations Una mayor confluencia entre los Mundos árabe y occidental representa uno de los grandes retos de futuro de ambas sociedades. Encontrar el equilibrio entre las dos riberas del Mar Mediterráneo, no sólo pasa por fomentar la paz y la seguridad, sino también por alcanzar un modelo de desarrollo inclusivo que mejore las condiciones de vida a ambas orillas. Durante muchos años, el destino de Marruecos ha estado ligado a una elevada pobreza, inmigración irregular y a la amenaza terrorista, sin embargo, el país norteafricano tiene hoy otra cara que ofrecer como garante de estabilidad con gran potencial en múltiples sectores.